Unlike Fine Wine, Your Financials Don't Get Better With Age
Often, one of the most striking differences between independent & chain restaurants is the sense of urgency they place on getting their...

6 Reasons U Need to Update Your Menu Cost at Least 3 Times a Year!!!
Do you know what each item on your menu is costing you? When is the last time you updated your menu cost? If it's been more than 3 months...

Why Being Better Rarely Leads To Success In The Restaurant Business
On 11th Oct, last week's Blog I presented, creating or clarifying your restaurant's unique “Experience Proposition”. I mentioned that one...

What Kind of Restaurateur R U???
There are basically two ways to improve profitability, 1) lower costs and/or 2) boost sales. Nothing new about this, but it's surprising...

WHAT is your unique "Experience Proposition"???
Do you happen to know your restaurant's unique Experience Proposition? You SHOULD!! Your restaurant's success depends on it. At the...

Should You REALLY Open That 2nd Restaurant?
I have a friend who just called me up over the weekend to consult on an existing business (currently as a shareholder) nearby Plaza Mont...

Is your Restaurant a Specific Niche to your Market surrounding?
Three simple STEPS with respect to business success; Find out what people want… Go out and get it… Give it to them… While the message is...

Tales of two Businessmen.
There are two family restaurants in PJ. Owner operated - good quality - family fare - reasonable prices - suitable locations. But that's...

How Much Is Your Restaurant WORTH?
Although it's a challenging time to be selling a business in most markets, profitable restaurants that are generating a healthy cash flow...

WHO Do You Think Your Most Important Customer Is???
Ask a restaurant owner who their most important customers is and they'll likely name some big spending regular or a company who makes...